lunes, 2 de junio de 2014


March 1 , 2013 - Greenland Sea . March 6 marine geologist Torsten Schmidt announced extraordinary images of what he believes is a mermaid captured by the camera during a deepwater exploration .

Hired by Iceland Geo Survey, Schmidt and his Danish team worked on the " seismic mapping and sampling at the bottom of the sea" to locate promising sites in reserves of oil and natural gas.

About 3,000 feet ( 1,000 meters) below the ocean surface, Schmidt reported not only seeing an interesting phenomenon , but also hear some remarkable things . After informing Iceland Geo Survey about the strange sounds while scanning the ocean floor, asked to conduct an investigation, which was rejected.

" We were reminded of our confidentiality agreements. And they said we could not share our recording with anyone else, " Schmidt told the reporter Jon Frankel in the Animal Planet documentary , " Mermaids : new evidence " .

Schmidt finished conducting its own investigation in which " took two cameras on each dive , the case will see." Commenting on his decision , Schmidt said Jon Frankel : " Well , I looked like and I knew he was looking at the face of another intelligent species like us."

. 2 May 2013 - KiryatYam , Israel is the only place in the world where a reward of one million dollars and given the stakes for the first person who can provide conclusive images captured from a real mermaid. The local government has offered this award in response to numerous sightings of mermaids in place.

Apparently there is a siren that sometimes appears at sunset. One of the first people to see the mermaid was Shlomo Cohen : "I was with friends when suddenly we saw a woman lying on the sand in a strange way . At first I thought it was just another sunbather , but when we approached she jumped into the water and disappeared. We were all in shock because we saw she had a tail. " Cohen quoted in 'Israel National News.

. March 2012 - Zimbabwe, Africa : It was stated that efforts to complete the construction of dams were delayed because of the sirens. Apparently they had harassed the workers installing water pumps. " All officers who have pledged not sent back there ," said Nkomo Minister , quoted in the newspaper ' Herald ' .

. 4th August 1991 - South Africa : 30% of the remains of an unknown humanoid creature was found in the belly of a dead great white shark in South Africa. The body was examined and determined to have hands and humanoid skull. A stingray barb , the weapon of a mermaid, got caught in the jaws of the shark.

. 5 1967 - British Columbia , Canada: The sighting occurred when tourists were on a ferry saw a woman with the tail of a dolphin. It is described with blond hair and eating salmon. Appeared in the newspaper ' Times- Colonist ' and drew a lot of attention , but since then nobody has seen him since.

. 6 1943 - Kei Islands , Indonesia: In 1943 , at the time of the Second World War , several sirens were seen by Japanese soldiers on the coast of Kei Islands, Indonesia. They said having seen swimming in the water , and another on the beach. It was described by 1.50 meters , pink skin, face and limbs of a human and a mouth like carp .

When Sergeant Taro Horiba heard the news of a dead mermaid was thrown to the shore, went to examine it. After seeing it with his own eyes he was convinced. After his return to Japan , urged scientists to study these sirens , but their claims were rejected because they did not believe him .

Locals refer to them as OrangIkan , or " fish people " in Malaya. There were several sightings of this kind in the area , and apparently reports of mermaids, they realize that they have allegedly been caught in fishing nets on occasion.

 7th August 1886 - Cape Breton , Canada: the sighting of a mermaid in Canada in 1886 , quoted by zoologist Karl Shuker on their website was reported . The report came to the newspaper Cape Brooklyn Eagle ' in August 1886.

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